au Design project


Ubicot – Generative AI mascot

Ubicot, the generative AI mascot, works with Google's generative AI "Gemini". It was exhibited at KDDI's booth during MWC Barcelona 2024 (February 26-29, 2024).

αU and Google's Gemini model to Provide Generative AI Services for Everyday Use

生成AIマスコットUbicotがGoogleの生成AI「Gemini」と連携。 MWC Barcelona 2024(2024年2月26日〜29日)の会期中、KDDIのブースで英語/日本語での対話を披露いたしました。

αUと Google の「Geminiモデル」で、身近に体験できる生成AIサービスを提供

Ubicot at MWC Barcelona 2024 / MWC Barcelona 2024での展示の様子

▶︎ Video of KDDI & Google cloud corner MWC Barcelona 2024 with Ubicot on display

▶︎ Ubicotが展示された MWC Barcelona 2024 KDDI & Google Cloudコーナーの動画

▶︎日本語での対話デモンストレーション動画① / Dialogue demonstration video in Japanese ①

▶︎日本語での対話デモンストレーション動画② / Dialogue demonstration video in Japanese ②

Ubicot is not a small robot or digital gadget, but an intelligent and adorable interior object that is a part of your daily life – almost like a companion who is always with the main character in an anime or manga. It can work with a variety of generative AIs, including Google's high-performance AI model, Gemini.The palm-sized, comfortably rounded design was created by Naoto Fukasawa, one of the world's most influential product designers. The spirit of "Ubicot," which is formed by the generative AI, can transfer to various digital devices in real space, such as smartwatches and PCs, in accordance with the user's actions, and act as the user's partner in virtual (XR) space as well.​

Digital Happiness Exhibition Archive


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