INFOBAR 20th Anniversary |au Design project Exhibition
Digital Happiness/いとおしいデジタルの時代。展
会 期 :2023年11月23日(木・祝)- 12月10日(日)
会 場 :21_21 DESIGN SIGHTギャラリー3
休館日 :会期中無休
開館時間:10:00 - 19:00(最終日は17:00閉館)
入場料 :無料
Date: November 23 (Thu) - December 10 (Sun), 2023
Venue: 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT Gallery 3
Closed: Open every day
Time: 10:00 - 19:00 (December 10 until 17:00)
Admission: Free

Digital Happiness
それはau Design project始動時より目指していた人とモノとの関係の理想的な有り様です。2002年に携帯電話におけるデザインの変革を志し始まったau Design project。プロジェクトの象徴的な存在である「INFOBAR」発売から20年経った今なお、プロダクトデザイナー深澤直人によるそのいとおしい姿かたちは、多くの人に愛されています。
加えて「初代INFOBAR型 Apple Watch Case」のプロトタイプや「METAVERSE WATCHconcept」の展示、中村勇吾による生成AIを用いた「INFOBAR」20周年記念動画上映のほか、21_21 NANJA MONJA (21_21 SHOP) では火曜を除く会期中、「INFOBAR」20周年記念グッズの販売を行います。
主催:KDDI株式会社 au Design project / adp.au.com
Digital Happiness
The Exhibition commemorates the 20th anniversary of the au Design project "INFOBAR" designed by Naoto Fukasawa, a product designer.
The world of digital technology has changed dramatically over the past 20 years, and now we hear a lot of new technologies which may offer us many benefits like XR, metaverse, blockchain, generative AI, and many others. At the same time, however, new technologies may also bring us a "happy feeling" in our daily lives.
With this in mind, in this exhibition, a prototype of the generative AI mascot "Ubicot," designed by Fukasawa, is exhibited as a new product that inherits the spirit of the au Design project's cherished phrase, "Every day, every time I see it, every time I hold it in my hand, I feel a little happier.”
Also a prototype of the first-generation INFOBAR-shaped Apple Watch case, the "METAVERSE WATCH concept" both designed by Fukasawa and the video by Yugo Nakamura are shown in the gallery. "INFOBAR" 20th anniversary goods are on sale at 21_21 NANJA MONJA (21_21 SHOP) except for Tuesdays.
Organized by: KDDI CORPORATION / adp.au.com
▶︎Watch the video recording of the exhibition on YouTube

初代INFOBAR型 Apple Watch Case[プロトタイプ]
au Design projectの第1弾モデルとして2003年10月31日に発売された初代「INFOBAR」。プロダクトデザイナー深澤直人がデザインを手がけ、ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)の永久収蔵品に選定されている伝説の携帯電話です。20 周年を記念し、シリーズの中でも一番人気のカラー「NISHIKIGOI」をApple Watch ケースとして完全再現いたしました。Apple Watch の機能を利用し、「INFOBAR」で通話しているかのように通話をすることが可能です。
※Apple Watch は米国および他の国々で登録されたApple Inc.の商標です。iPhone の商標はアイホン株式会社のライセンスにもとづき使用されています。
▶︎初代INFOBAR型Apple Watch CaseをYouTubeで見る❶
▶︎初代INFOBAR型Apple Watch CaseをYouTubeで見る❷

First-generation INFOBAR-type Apple Watch Case[Prototype]
The first-generation "INFOBAR" was launched on October 31, 2003 as the first model of the au Design project. To commemorate its 20th anniversary, the most popular color of the series, "NISHIKIGOI," has been completely reproduced as an Apple Watch case. Using the Apple Watch functionality, users can make and receive calls as if they were talking on INFOBAR.
*The release of this product has not yet been determined. The design and specifications are subject to change at the time of commercialization as this is a prototype.
*Apple Watch is a trademark of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPhone trademark is used under license from Aiphone Co.
▶︎Watch INFOBAR-type Apple Watch Case on YouTube❶
▶︎Watch INFOBAR-type Apple Watch Case on YouTube❷


Generative AI Mascot
Ubicot is not a small robot or digital gadget, but an intelligent and adorable interior object that blends naturally into daily life, or a partner (fairy, familiar) who is always with the main character in manga and anime. It can be linked to a variety of generative AIs. The palm-sized, comfortably rounded design was created by Naoto Fukasawa, the designer of INFOBAR. The spirit of "Ubicot," which is formed by the generative AI, can transfer to various digital devices in real space, such as smartwatches and PCs, in accordance with the user's actions, and act as the user's partner in virtual (XR) space as well.
*The release of this product has not yet been determined. The design and specifications are subject to change at the time of commercialization as this is a prototype.
▶︎Watch the Ubicot video on YouTube❶
▶︎Watch the Ubicot video on YouTube❷

Ubicot is a friend, a partner, and a mentor-like figure whom you can confide in and seek advice from. To put it another way, it is an ultra-compact conversational AI mascot. Communication takes place through voice as well as with facial expressions, making understanding easier. It could be like a character similar to Japanese ghost cartoon 'GeGeGe no Kitaro's ‘Medama Oyaji'. Or 'Doraemon' for 'Nobita' in another future cat-like robot cartoon. Ubicot has a small body with a head shaped like an old TV receiver. Responses from Ubicot are conveyed through the movement of its eyes. While its facial expression is neutral, the overall impression it gives is that of a very cute entity. The facial display serves as a screen conveying various types of information. The information conveyed through the movement of its eyes forms the core interface of this conversational AI. While humanoids are human-like robots, Ubicot is a 'Kawaii mate' that connects only through minimal expressions and conversation.
Naoto Fukasawa

「METAVERSE WATCH concept」はリアルとバーチャル2つの時空間をつなぐデバイスとして2023年3月に渋谷で開催された展覧会「prompt αU(αU research × KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO)」にて発表されたコンセプトモデルです。デザインはプロダクトデザイナー深澤直人。リアル空間にいるユーザーの腕に装着されたメタバースウォッチは、バーチャル空間上にいるユーザーのアバターの腕にも装着されています。メタバースウォッチで取得された生体情報、環境情報と同期してアバターに様々なイベントが発生します。メタバースウォッチは生成AIマスコット「Ubicot」の魂が乗り移るデバイスとしても機能します。本展では、ソニーの「空間再現ディスプレイ」と京セラの「高精細 空中ディスプレイ」を用いて展示しています。併せてVIRTUAL HUMAN KAFを起用したコンセプトムービーを上映しています。

"METAVERSE WATCH concept" is a concept model presented at the exhibition "prompt αU (αU research × KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO)" held in Shibuya in March 2023 as a device connecting real and virtual time and space. It was designed by product designer Naoto Fukasawa. The metaverse watch worn on the arm of the user in real space is also worn on the arm of the user's avatar in virtual space. Various events occur on the avatar in synchronization with the biometric and environmental information acquired by the Metaverse Watch. The Metaverse Watch also functions as a device on which the spirit of the generative AI mascot "Ubicot" is transferred. This exhibition uses Sony's "Spatial Reproduction Display" and Kyocera's "High Definition Aerial Display. A concept movie featuring VIRTUAL HUMAN KAF is shown at the same time.
*The release of this product has not yet been determined. The design and specifications are subject to change at the time of commercialization as this is a prototype.

~the Past and the Future : History of au Design project~
スマートフォン版「INFOBAR」に搭載された「iida UI」のデザインを担当したインターフェースデザイナーの中村勇吾が画像生成AI を用いて制作した「INFOBAR」20周年記念映像です。au Design project における過去20 年間の歴史を振り返るとともに、これからはじまる未来への展開を予感させるような珠玉の60秒です。
~the Past and the Future : History of au Design project~
his is a movie commemorating the 20th anniversary of INFOBAR, created by interface designer Yugo Nakamura, who was in charge of designing the "iida UI" for the smartphone version of INFOBAR, using image generation AI. This 60-second film looks back on the past 20 years of the au Design Project and foreshadows the future developments that are yet to come.
▶︎Watch the video on YouTube

INFOBAR 20周年記念グッズ
21_21 NANJA MONJA (21_21 SHOP)にて火曜を除く会期中販売しています。
INFOBAR 20th Anniversary
Commemorative Goods
Available at 21_21 NANJA MONJA (21_21 SHOP) during the exhibition except Tuesdays.
▶︎Commemorative Goods Special Page

「INFOBAR」と同じく今年2023年4月にブランド誕生20周年を迎えたハンカチーフ専門店「CLASSICS the Small Luxury (クラシクス・ザ・スモールラグジュアリ)」とコラボレーションした2種類のハンカチーフ。
Two types of handkerchiefs were created in collaboration with "CLASSICS the Small Luxury," a handkerchief specialty store that celebrated its 20th anniversary in April 2023, the same year as INFOBAR.

はみだし刺繍 INFOBAR
はみだし刺繍 INFOBAR のご購入はこちら
Overhang Embroidery INFOBAR
It is a cute piece with the embroidered "INFOBAR" popping out. It is also recommended to use it as a pocket handkerchief with the "INFOBAR" peeking out.
Click here to purchase

I ♥ INFOBAR のご購入はこちら
We have designed a scene where a heart message is sent from "INFOBAR". The word "infobar" is subtly depicted in the center.
Click here to purchase

Heisei retro and cute stationery designed by Furukawa Shiko, a long-established stationery manufacturer of Mino washi paper that has been in business for 189 years and has produced many hit products.

そえぶみ箋 インフォバー
Soebumi paper INFOBAR
The "INFOBAR" design has been introduced to the "Soebumi paper", a major best-selling product that has released more than 500 types so far. Its features are the one-point design and the rustic texture of Mino washi.

和紙フレークシール インフォバー
初代「INFOBAR」の斬新なカラー「NISHIKIGOI / ICHIMATSU / BUILDING / ANNIN」の4色がシールになりました。和紙のあたたかみを感じられるシールです。
Japanese paper flake sticker INFOBAR
The innovative colors of the first-generation "INFOBAR", "NISHIKIGOI / ICHIMATSU / BUILDING / ANNIN", have been turned into stickers. These are stickers where you can feel the warmth of Japanese paper.

和紙フレークシール 絵文字
Japanese paper flake sticker Emoji
These are stickers with five cute Heisei retro patterns, which include the first-generation "INFOBAR" "NISHIKIGOI" and nostalgic "au" Emoji. We also recommend putting them in your smartphone's clear case.

Founded in 1919, "Daimonji Ame Honpo", a long-established candy shop in Kyoto that is dedicated to making candy, has collaborated with their popular product "Kyo Yuzen" candy. The "INFOBAR" original candy is packaged in three colors of "NISHIKIGOI" color, which are red, wisteria, and light yellow. Its thinness, similar to glasswork, is distinctive, and the delicate touch makes it very smooth to the taste, and it is a unique product of a well-established shop that you will never get tired of. The flavors are strawberry, champagne cider, and lemon.
■生成AIの“使い魔”キャラやApple WatchがINFOBARになるケース――「au Design project」20周年で展覧会
■au Design project「Digital Happiness展」開幕、思わぬ形でよみがえった初代INFOBARも登場
■「INFOBAR」型Apple WatchケースやAIマスコットの展示も、au Design projectの今後が見られる「Digital Happiness展」を楽しんできた
■覚えてますか? デザインで気持ちアゲアゲ、時代を築いたケータイ「INFOBAR」20周年
■深澤直人氏がデザインした"伝説の携帯電話"INFOBARの展示と最新プロダクト・生成AIマスコットなどを披露、21_21 DESIGN SIGHTギャラリー3にて12/10まで
■Apple Watchが「INFOBAR」に変身するケースが登場!『20年前のデザイン』だけど根強い人気、今でもめっちゃ欲しくなる!