5Gで文化財 東京国立博物館・文化財活用センター・KDDI共同研究プロジェクト 国宝 聖徳太子絵伝 ARでたどる聖徳太子の生涯


5Gで文化財 国宝「聖徳太子絵伝」は終了いたしました。

国宝 聖徳太子絵伝(部分) 秦致貞筆 平安時代・延久元年(1069) 東京国立博物館蔵

  • ※日程・開館時間・コンテンツ内容等については、今後の諸事情により変更する場合があります。
  • ※本コンテンツでは、「国宝『聖徳太子絵伝』」(秦致貞筆)の展示はありません。

When Japan’s most venerable museum meets state-of-the-art communication technologies such as 5G and AR (Augmented Reality), how does it change the experience of appreciating cultural assets?
The first project to explore this question is Cultural Properties in 5G. The National Treasure Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku. An AR Journey Through Prince Shotoku’s Life.
The Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku depicts 58 episodes from Prince Shotoku’s life, including his memorization of stories told by 36 children and his authoring of Japan’s first constitution.
Tokyo National Museum now houses this priceless work. However, much of its original vibrancy and detail have been lost over the years, with its charms now difficult to fully appreciate through a glass case. For preservation reasons, meanwhile, the work is only exhibited for around one month a year nowadays.
To enable more people to enjoy this priceless cultural asset, we have created new content by combining high-definition images (1.8 billion pixels per panel) with cutting-edge 5G technology.

*This content was created based on Cultural Properties in 8K: The National Treasure Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku, released by the National Center for the Promotion of Cultural Properties and NHK Educational Corp. in 2018.

*This content features a full-size 10-screen graphic reproduction of the National Treasure Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku by Hata no Chitei. The original will not be on display.

Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku, National Treasure

By Hata no Chitei | Heian period, 1069 | Color on twill–weave silk; 10 panels | Tokyo National Museum

Prince Shotoku (574–622) was the second son of Emperor Yomei. During the reign of Empress Suiko, Prince Shotoku is believed to have authored Japan’s first constitution while also actively promoting Buddhism and sending envoys to China to learn more about Buddhism. Painted in 1069 by Hata no Chitei, this is the oldest surviving version of the Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku. The painting depicts fifty–eight episodes based on Shotoku Taishi Denryaku, the definitive account of the prince’s life completed in the early tenth century.
The 10 paintings originally decorated the inner walls of the Hall of Paintings in Horyuji Temple. The composition shows Ikaruga Palace at the center, but also includes views of Asuka, Naniwa, and even Mount Heng in China.


Organizers : Tokyo National Museum, National Center for the Promotion of Cultural Properties, KDDI CORPORATION

  • 東京国立博物館
  • 文化財活用センター
  • au
  • au Design project
  • au 5G

5Gで文化財 国宝「聖徳太子絵伝」アニメーションより

5Gで文化財 国宝『聖徳太子絵伝』ARでたどる聖徳太子の生涯を



東京国立博物館 研究員とKDDI・au Design project担当者が語る
5Gで文化財 国宝「聖徳太子絵伝」の魅力

5Gで文化財 国宝「聖徳太子絵伝」とは?

5Gで文化財 国宝「聖徳太子絵伝」の基本を詳しく解説!



au 5Gが実現する2つの「魔法」




魔法のグラス Magical Glasses

An appreciation content that you can experience by wearing an AR (augmented reality) glass that can display digital information superimposed on the real world. If you put an AR glass in front of the full-size “Eden” duplicated panel installed at the venue, you can enjoy 15 episodes with animations and easy-to-understand explanations. The illustrations used in the animation are faithfully drawn for this content.



魔法のルーペ Magical Loupe

When you hold the 5G smartphone over the duplicated panel, the super high-definition image is displayed exactly on top of the panel, and if you select what you want to watch from 58 episodes, you will learn more about “picture biography” through commentary and narration It is viewing content that can be. High-definition, large-capacity images (* 1) can be smoothly scaled up and down with au 5G, making it possible to appreciate details that are difficult to see with the naked eye.

(*1)ARグラスはNreal Ltd.が開発した「NrealLight」、5Gスマートフォンは、ソニーモバイルコミュニケーションズ株式会社が開発した5Gスマートフォン「XPERIA 1 II」を活用。

5Gで文化財 国宝「聖徳太子絵伝」アニメーションより(合成)
開発協力:Mawari Inc.(魔法のグラス)、株式会社Synamon(魔法のルーペ)

5Gで文化財 国宝 聖徳太子絵伝 at HOME 自宅で「魔法のグラス」のコンテンツを体験できる!

5Gで文化財 国宝『聖徳太子絵伝』AR at HOME~おうちに国宝がやってくる~

The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures at the Tokyo National Museum lets visitors enjoy “Cultural Properties in 5G ; The National Treasure ‘Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku’” as a high-definition AR experience by simply holding a smartphone or tablet over the display. Now the same 15 episodes of “Magical Glasses” can be experienced at home.

※Also available on 4G smartphones or tablets.


5Gで文化財 国宝『聖徳太子絵伝』
3Dビュー / VR at HOME ~おうちで会場をバーチャル体験~

VR at HOME allows online visitors to virtually experience the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures at the Tokyo National Museum, “Cultural Properties in 5G ; The National Treasure ‘Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku’”. Visitors can move freely within the venue and view the 15 episodes of “Magical Glasses”.

※Also available on 4G smartphones or tablets.
